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Guerilla Marketing

Hong Kong Soccer Sevens 2010 – Freestyle Football

Slate Takes was asked by Laxton Marketing and Chatter Productions to cover the marketing activities surrounding the Hong Kong Soccer Sevens 2010, one of which was this guerrilla street performance of 3 freestyle footballers.(Completed: May 2010)

Posted 14 years, 7 months ago.

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“The Chronicles of NC Kong” Trailer

One of Slate Takes’ clients, NecesCity, required an introduction to its mascot, a green gorilla named NC Kong. After one day’s worth of shooting a guerrilla stunt, this video was what came out of it: a trailer of “The Chronicles of NC Kong”. The plan is to feature a series of webisodes online that feature NC Kong and his posse exploring the urban jungle of Hong Kong, seeking adventure, mischief, fame and even romance. (Completed: November 2009)

Posted 15 years ago.

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