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Sino Philes

“Sino Philes” is an experimental mockumentary that follows the lives of David Wong and Vivian Chen, who have just relocated from Vancouver, Canada to Hong Kong, China. In an attempt to reconnect with their roots, they become entangled in unique social conflicts that presently occur between Hong Kongers and Mainlanders. From issues revolving around cross-border tourism and anchor babies, to right of abode and the “Umbrella Movement”, they ultimately discover what it means to be “Chinese” and what the “Chinese dream” means to them.

Presenting the somewhat fictional characters in documentary style, and situating them in real-life not-so-distant-past events, this attempt to blur the lines between reality and fiction brings to question the seemingly bizarre confrontations between Hong Kongers and Mainlanders. By intentionally presenting both sides of the issues objectively, an understanding can hopefully be reached through an open dialogue that extends beyond the film, with the ultimate aim of celebrating the subcultural diversity of the Chinese diaspora the world over.

A co-production with Radio Netherlands Worldwide, the film is published on RNW’s YouTube channel and their Chinese site, Helan Online via Youku and Tudou. Slate Takes thought it fitting to partner with RNW on this production for the main reason that RNW promotes free speech through independent journalism and the use of new media. On this note, we would like to point out that Youku and Tudou removed (i.e. censored) webisode 4, “The Tourist”. However, you can view ALL webisodes below.

Like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter (@sinophiles).

All WEBISODES can also be found at SINO PHILES WEBSITE


Music: “Xiao Cao” by OnePercentYellow that speaks of solidarity among the Chinese people.


The film garnered an AWARD of MERIT at the ACCOLADE GLOBAL FILM COMPETITION in March 2016.

It also garnered a SPECIAL RECOGNITION AWARD at, and was officially selected for, the ASIA PACIFIC INT’L FILMMAKER FESTIVAL AWARDS in April 2016.

It was also officially selected for the HONG KONG ARTHOUSE FILM FESTIVAL in Spring 2016.
hk arthouse film festival

Posted 9 years, 9 months ago at 12:53 AM.

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